domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Tres flechas

La imagen no es que tenga mucho que ver conmigo ni con lo que vaya a escribir hoy, pero es que me recordo a alguien.. jajaja aunque cierto es que la ultima peli que vi fue Blood Rayne, pero es que ultimamente me bajo de todo...

Y las tres flechas de las que hablo... son las tres frases que tengo mas grabadas y nunca he dicho a nadie...tres puntas de frio acero en el fondoo de alma...

Por ultimo un cacho de algo que estoy por terminar cuando encuentre el momento:

Y aunque te dije amor
ahora siento dolor
lo que un dia me importó
ya tan lejos quedó
andando sin parar
pero aún mirando atras

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Como la llama de una vela que lucha por no ahogarse en las consecuencias de su propio fuego...

Hoy letra de HB, la proxima sera mia...

Frozen Inside

My heart, it thought it had found you.
The atmosphere rose, it rose to the sky
We saw you healing and we stood rejoicing
For your goodness was truly shown to us.

Once more the feelings that I had
won't last from today until tomorrow.
Back to reality and living passively.
All by myself in my world again.
When you spend time all alone
you will come to see the depth of your faith
in the almighty God.

I am frozen inside, let me praise and love!
Though I want to know you,
I cannot force my heart to thaw.
The props built by me, they'll collapse with time,
And then it will be seen that
a homemade faith, it fails in front of God.

Where can you find love like God's love?
I have prayed countless times to receive.
Why do some have so much?
I strive for just one touch.
Am I of less worth than them or what?

Where is your presence, oh Jesus?
You said you'll give me abundant life.
Has my trust been in vain?
I can't fight off the pain.
Is my trust in a living or dead God?
When you spend time all alone
you will come to see the depth of your faith
in the almighty God.

I am frozen inside, let me praise and love!
Though I want to know you,
I cannot force my heart to thaw.
The props built by me, they'll collapse with time,
And then it will be seen that
a homemade faith, it fails in front of God.

Thunder sounds again, will the Lord appear?
And give a sign to follow his word?
You can waste your time waiting all your life..
..Or just obey his will!

If you're frozen inside
Cannot praise or love
He wants you to be you
No need to earn his love ‘cause

Every moment he says:
"I love you, I care."
This road I made just for you
To be together now and forever more.